Central Pa Masonry Contractor

Our Previous Work

repaired stone wall

Restore building to Old Design

Brick wall
Masonry Contractor-Brickwork

This is a before and after of one of our jobs. As you can see on the first photo, you can see old window places that have been filled in. We removed the bricks and replaced the outside of the wall, and rebuilt the windows back into the outside of the building.

Stone Finish to a Chimney

stone chimney masonry
Stone Chimney

In this job we covered the outside of a chimney with stone to create a nice finished look to the chimney.

Restoring Town Landmark

broken stone wall at historical landmark
stonework-historical restoration

This wall surrounds and old church in Philipsburg, Pa. The Church is a town landmark and we were hired to fix the wall and keep it from falling apart further.

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